Thursday, March 25, 2010

Facing Change

The change that I am going through right now is personal, which is being pregnant. When I found out that I was pregnant it was very difficult to accept it. I was already beginnig to make all this plans for my family and myself, so finiding out that I was pregnant changed everything. I had to change my eating habits, start going to doctor appointmenst, taking prenatals, limit myself to certain activities, and doing my everyday task differently at home and at work. My life style has changed, I get tired faster and my body is going through hormonal changes so making adjustments was a big change but now I feel good.

At this moment I am in the "acceptance" stage. I feel that now I have accepted my pregnancy and all the changes that are coming along. I did go through to denial, isolation, guilt, and anger since this is my fourth pregnancy. It took me a lot to accept but now that I see my growing belly and have seen my baby through the ultra-sound , this has changed my feelings towards the pregnancy and now I am 100% happy and accept my pregnancy along with my changes.